Joomla! 4.0 and our plans

Tuesday, 17 August 2021 11:03

Hello, dear Mobile Joomla! extension users!

Today Joomla! is 16 years old (it’s the day of the fork from Mambo CMS), and we are waiting for Joomla! 4.0 to be released in a short time. In this regard, we would like to tell you about our plans to further develop our Mobile Joomla! extension.

Mobile 3.0 will be ready for beta testing soon. Major changes:

  1. Supported Joomla! 2.5 to 4.0, PHP 5.6+ is required (7.3+ is recommended). Unfortunately, if your website is still running Joomla! 1.5, Mobile 3.0 does not support it (yet?).
  2. Significantly redesigned and improved page speed optimizations (our goal is 100/100 in the mobile PageSpeed Insight test).
  3. Optimization of responsive websites and desktop mode of adaptive websites.
  4. Support of Progressive Web Application (PWA).
  5. Very fast page cache that is based on the tagged cache approach (cache invalidates automatically after content is changed).
  6. and many-many other improvements…

A more complete list of changes will be posted soon with the official Mobile 3.0-beta announcement.

If you want to be among the first to get access to the beta version, contact us at support[at], and we will grant you access to a hidden section on the forum where the beta version will be discussed.

A big update to our mobile templates is expected too, but a little later. We are going to switch from jQueryMobile framework to Bootstrap 5.1 and get additional speedup for mobile websites.

The current stable version 2.1.x will receive updates for at least another two years, and if necessary, even longer (if required by our Pro/Club subscribers).

Wait for the news soon!


Mobile 2.1.45

Tuesday, 21 April 2020 16:30

This is a regular update with several improvements:

  • Fixed installation of demo logo image and demo favicon in the mobile_basic template
  • Added demo favicon.ico inspection
  • Added plugins ordering inspection
  • Removed support of iOS6 icons from Mobile_Basic template
  • Updated AMDD database

As always, you can update to the new version of Mobile Joomla! extension from your administrative panel via the Mobile Joomla! Remote Update feature, or by downloading the Mobile Joomla! package and installing it from the backend. Premium templates are not updating automatically and should be downloaded and installed manually. Do not forget to backup your website before the update!

Remember to subscribe to our RSS feed, follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page to keep on top of all latest Mobile Joomla! news.

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Mobile 2.1.44

Thursday, 05 December 2019 17:26

Over the past few days, two updates to the Mobile Joomla! extension have been released. Version 2.1.43 contains some performance improvements and AMDD device database updates. Version 2.1.44 deals with several bugfixes:

  • Fixed homepage detection issue caused by a conflict with 3rdparty extension
  • Fixed compatibility with System-Cache plugin in Joomla!3.8+

As always, you can update to the new version of Mobile Joomla! extension from your administrative panel via the Mobile Joomla! Remote Update feature, or by downloading the Mobile Joomla! package and installing it from the backend. Premium templates are not updating automatically and should be downloaded and installed manually. Do not forget to backup your website before the update!

Remember to subscribe to our RSS feed, follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page to keep on top of all latest Mobile Joomla! news.


Bepaint your mobile template!

Wednesday, 30 October 2019 17:51

For many years our Mobile Elegance template supports ThemeRoller tool to create new color styles, but other templates were limited to distributed color presets only. And now we are happy to present you Template Colorizer, the tool that allows changing template colors (e.g. to match your desktop template):

Short usage guide

  1. Select the swatch (color theme) letter name to change (e.g. "A").
  2. Click on the input field to change (e.g. "Background").
  3. Choose a new color either 1) using pop-up (click on the color circle in the bottom right corner to apply) or 2) by typing color's hex code.
  4. Repeat the above procedure for other fields and swatches.
  5. Copy generated CSS style, and append it to template's css/custom.css file.

That's all. Happy creativity!

PS. Note that background color may be overwritten in the templates settings, so don't forget to update or reset it if necessary.


Premium Templates updates: Elegance 2.0.29, Flat 2.0.27, iOS9 1.0.22, Square 1.0.21

Monday, 16 September 2019 13:20

We have just released new versions of our premium Mobile Joomla! templates:

New releases include some performance optimizations and new feature Fonts Preload to preload Lato font (used in Flat and Square templates) and Ionicons (used in iOS9 template). Just check which font variants are used on your website (usually Regular and Bold are used), enable their preloading in template's settings, and get faster page loading and rendering.


August 2019 Updates: Mobile 2.1.42 and Premium Templates

Friday, 16 August 2019 09:40

We have just released Mobile 2.1.42 and updates to all our premium templates: Mobile Elegance 2.0.28, Mobile Flat 2.0.26, Mobile Square 1.0.20, and Mobile iOS9 1.0.21.

These updates fix error in mod_feed layout file for Joomla!3.x templates and add support of "*" wildcard in custom_preload.txt files' exclusion rules, so that it's possible to remove all URLs from mobile template that match specified pattern, e.g.


Mobile 2.1.42 includes updated AMDD device database for better mobile device detection.

As always, you can update to the new version from your administrative panel via the Mobile Joomla! Remote Update feature, or by downloading the Mobile Joomla! package and installing it from the backend. Do not forget to backup your website before the update!

Remember to subscribe to our RSS feed, follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page to keep on top of all latest Mobile Joomla! news.


Mobile 2.1.37 and Security Update for mobile templates

Monday, 06 May 2019 18:22

Hey all, Today we are releasing Mobile Community/Basic/Pro 2.1.37 with following fixes:

  • Fixed possible XSS vulnerability in the jQueryMobile framework used by Mobile_Basic template
  • Fixed incorrect detection of "Force as homepage" in POST requests
  • Fixed issue with "Load MooTools" option in Mobile_Basic template

and updates to all our premium templates Mobile Elegance/Flat/Square/iOS9:

  • Fixed possible XSS vulnerability in the jQueryMobile framework
  • Fixed issue with id duplication in the case of AJAX navigation
  • Fixed issue with "Load MooTools" option

Note there is a fix for potential XSS vulnerability in jQueryMobile framework (used by all our templates). Exploiting of this vulnerability requires JSON (or other non-HTML) end-point on user's website that reflects input back, that's why most of websites are not affected by this vulnerability. Nevertheless, we strongly ask you to install this update(s) to avoid any potential issues.

As always, you can update to the new version of Mobile Joomla! extension from your administrative panel via the Mobile Joomla! Remote Update feature, or by downloading the Mobile Joomla! package and installing it from the backend. Premium templates are not updating automatically and should be downloaded and installed manually. Do not forget to backup your website before the update!

Remember to subscribe to our RSS feed, follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page to keep on top of all latest Mobile Joomla! news.


April 2019 Updates: Mobile 2.1.36 & Premium Templates

Tuesday, 23 April 2019 22:43

We have just released Mobile 2.1.36 and updates to all our premium templates: Mobile Elegance 2.0.23, Mobile Flat 2.0.21, Mobile Square 1.0.15, and Mobile iOS9 1.0.16.

Mobile Joomla! 2.1.36 fixes work in disabled "Optimize CSS" mode, fixes "Load MooTools" option in Mobile Basic template for Joomla! 1.5 (yes, we are still releasing such bug fixes), and all our mobile templates (preinstalled Mobile Basic and above-mentioned premium ones) now supports swatch-* parameter (where "*" corresponds to a swatch letter supported by template) in the module's class suffix. This suffix allows you to change color theme of modules (see example on the right for the Mobile Flat template where Search, Login, and Menu modules have "swatch-d open", "swatch-e", and "swatch-g" class suffixes, correspondingly).

As always, you can update to the new version from your administrative panel via the Mobile Joomla! Remote Update feature, or by downloading the Mobile Joomla! package and installing it from the backend. Do not forget to backup your website before the update!

Remember to subscribe to our RSS feed, follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page to keep on top of all latest Mobile Joomla! news.


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