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Mobile Joomla! Alpha coming very soon!

When will Mobile Joomla! be released? This is the question we receive the most from our community members. In order to give you good Christmas news and clear question marks; we decided to give you details about our Mobile Joomla! release plan.

Mobile Joomla! release is planned to be in 3 major phases;

1. Pre-release (a.k.a Sneak Preview)
2. Alpha release (invitation only)
3. Beta release (public)

Mobile Joomla! is currently in pre-release phase. The aim of the pre-release is to showcase Mobile Joomla! capabilities and more importantly to receive feedback on how Mobile Joomla! performs on different mobile phones. During this phase, have received many valuable feedback from our community members and improved Mobile Joomla! fixing problems and adding new features.

Alpha release is our next step and will be invitation-only. In this phase, we will start distributing Mobile Joomla! to our selected members, get their direct feedback and help via our Forums and Twitter channels. We are now about to finalize details of the execution plan and expect that the first invitations to be sent already within next week!

Public Beta is the last step of our release plan, before Mobile Joomla! goes mainstream. Our hope is to reach to the Beta phase as soon as possible. If we can realize the quality standard as high as we aim, that can be even earlier than anyone expects.

We are very excited about the release of Mobile Joomla! at least as much as yourselves, and working hard to make that happen the soonest and the best way possible. I hope we have've been able to answer some of your question marks and give you the idea behind our release plan. Please let us know if you have any further questions or comments.

We wish you all a merry Christmas and happy holidays!


0 #3 Guest 2010-02-15 15:00
Nice, thanks for the news.
0 #2 Guest 2010-02-08 00:42
Hoping to register for your alpha/beta release and trial.

Thank you,

+3 #1 Ankur Mittal 2009-12-25 17:31
hey desperately waiting for your extension..i have just finished up setting a news website Indian, and i visit regularly and check ur tweets so that i dont miss anything..
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Devs

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