Mobile Joomla! hits 20,000 registered users!

We are very excited and humbled to announce that we have now passed 20,000 registered users who are a part of Mobile Joomla! community. With an increasing rate of 250 new members a day and hitting over 100,000 visits a month, we are happy to see our hard work is paying off. We are glad to receive such response from all of our community members, and positive reviews on Joomla! Extension Directory.
We very much welcome all your feedback to make Mobile Joomla! better and better. If you want to express your satisfaction, please do so by giving us a rating at, which definitely boosts our motivation in a positive direction. If you are interested in supporting the Mobile Joomla! development by contributing to the code base, please see our previous post for instructions.
We are planning to expand and roll out new features very rapidly, and have lots of cool upcoming plans for the Autumn. Subscribe our RSS feed and follow us on Twitter to stay on top of the latest news.
It would also be very interesting and useful to know your view, which are your favorite Joomla! templates and extensions that you think we should consider mobilizing for you?


0 #2 Guest 2011-12-22 09:35
Yes you are right! You are getting good response!
0 #1 Vincent Matinde 2010-12-17 11:27
I believe when you start creating extensions for Mobile Joomla, this number will grow! Good work.

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